In this lonely city
Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 12:10 AM

It been so long since I decided to post something in my blog.. Everyday
life seems to be the same... sleep work eat sleep work eat ... nothing interesting has happened, nothing special has happened... just a simple life... everyday is so grey nothing colourful in life ....

Smiles and laughters has been fading from me.. oh god, what has happened to me... Do I really need to lead this kind of life? Less time spend on my family... everyday back from work after 9pm, I would not see my parents, can't even talk to them, cos most of the time they would probably be asleep.. My dear is also busy at work that he hardly had time for me but I know he is trying... Life is so plain boring and uninteresting.. I treasure every moment spend with my family, my dear and of course my dearest friend owl and it the time spend together is short.. I treasure every moment..