In this lonely city
Friday, August 17, 2007 at 11:40 PM

Suddenly, I just felt like writing this blog, which I don't know why. I like adventure and eventually life is just a roller coaster. Adventure cannot exist without changes. Every time when I need to leave my comfort zones, I will tell myself that "It's ok to feel discomfort." So often, I spend a lot of time trying to fight the feeling of being uncomfortable, fighting anything I don't like in an effort to feel good.

There will be many days when we are tired, cranky, fearful, uncertain, headachy, teary, unmotivated, forgetful, frustrated, or even sad..Guess all these are all natural states of human beings. I would like to learn to embrace each one of these as much as so called "good state" as content, calm, grateful, blissful, relaxed. But doing this, ain't easy or simple. This is why I need a real good sleep and rest. It tends to make me see all these states of being what they are, beautiful and valid, no matter how painful they are.

I really need to read this today...

Benjamin Disraeli:
~The secret of success is constancy to purpose.~

Michael Korda:
~To succeed, we must first believe that we can.~

Frank Lloyd Wright:
~I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.~

Another unique way of motivating myself to move on.....(lol)